Today, instead of our normal church services that we are used to on any given Sunday morning, we visited Centro Cristiano de Machala. CCM has three morning services and our team was able to hear a message in Spanish, as well as help out with the Sala Cuna (Nursery) and with the youth age kids during the services. It was such a great experience to see that even though the language may be different, the Spirit of the Lord is never changing. After church we headed out to the port to enjoy a late lunch with one of the families from the church.
After spending most of the day at the church, in the evening we headed... back to the church! Our evening consisted of miscellaneous projects around the church, and the ladies in the group even had the chance to cook Quimbolito, a dish native to Ecuador! Our main project tonight included wrapping fabric around wooden frames to create sound panels that will be hung in the main sanctuary at CCM. Our team is very tired and currently headed to bed, as tomorrow starts our first full work day at the job site!
Check out some photos from today's events!